You have special wishes + requirements - we offer special solutions + professional housing advice. Together with you, we develop individual, sustainable room and furnishing concepts tailored to your needs in our planning office in Mersch.
furnishing, equipment and furniture for individualists
2.1 Order acceptance: All offers are non-binding until the order is accepted. We expressly reserve the right to change the information contained therein at any time. If the customer's order deviates from our offer, a contract is only concluded in this case with the confirmation of the contractor.
2.2 Delivery: Our information on the delivery date is only a non-binding estimate. Fixed transactions are not concluded. If we are unable to deliver on time due to force majeure or other circumstances for which we are not responsible, the delivery period will be extended for the duration of these events.
2.3 Delay in delivery: If the service owed by us is delayed due to force majeure, lawful strike, inability through no fault of the contractor or one of his suppliers as well as unfavorable weather conditions the agreed delivery period is extended by the duration of the delay. If the delay lasts an unreasonably long time, either party can withdraw from the contract without compensation. If the delivery cannot take place on the agreed date due to circumstances for which the customer is responsible, the risk passes to the customer at the point in time at which he received notification of the readiness for delivery. Storage costs are at the expense of the client. We reserve the right to claim further delay costs. In the event of unavailability of the promised service, which was not recognizable to us at the time the contract was concluded and for which we are not responsible, we are entitled to withdraw from the contract. We undertake to inform the buyer immediately about the non-availability and to refund the buyer's services without delay.
2.4 Complaints: Obvious defects in our service must be reported in writing by entrepreneurs two weeks after delivery of the goods or upon acceptance of the service. After this period has expired, claims for defects due to obvious defects can no longer be asserted. The further regulations for commercial purchases remain unaffected.
2.5. Deficiency limitation: For contracts with entrepreneurs that do not relate to construction work, the warranty is one year. In the case of repair work that does not constitute construction work, the warranty is statute-barred by one year regardless of the person of the contractual partner. The provisions of this paragraph do not apply if there is intent or gross negligence or claims are asserted due to injury to life, limb or health or if the seller has fraudulently concealed the defect or has assumed a guarantee for the quality of the delivery item.
2.6 Implementation of the warranty: In the case of justified complaints, we have the choice of either repairing the defective delivery items or delivering a replacement to the customer against the return of the objected item. As long as we meet our obligations to rectify the defects, the customer does not have the right to demand a reduction in payment or cancellation of the contract, unless the rectification has failed. If a repair or replacement delivery is impossible, fails or is refused, the customer can, at his discretion, demand a corresponding price reduction or cancellation of the contract. Sentence 1 does not apply to consumer transactions relating to the purchase of movable property.
2.7. Prices: Our offers and information in our price lists or on the Internet are always subject to change. Unless otherwise stated, our prices do not include delivery and shipping costs. The buyer is only entitled to set-off rights if his counterclaims have been legally established, are undisputed or have been recognized by us. If deliveries and/or services are provided later than four months after the order confirmation, we are entitled to charge new prices if the list prices and/or material, wage and other costs have changed in the meantime.
2.8. Surcharges: If services are performed outside of our normal working hours, we charge a surcharge of 40% for this additional work. This can be the case, for example, if the execution of the work becomes necessary outside of our normal working hours due to circumstances for which the customer is responsible, or if the customer expressly requests this. We charge for drive accessories ordered or commissioned during assembly/maintenance or on the day of assembly at the current manufacturer’s net list price. Should the manufacturer incur any shipping costs or additional assembly/maintenance or travel costs, these will be invoiced separately by us under the conditions specified in Section 1.
2.9. Removal and installation costs: The legal regulation in sales contract law applies without restriction to the assertion of removal and installation costs.
2.10 Anliefer: When delivering, we assume that the vehicle can drive directly to the building and unload. Additional costs caused by additional transport routes or difficult access from the vehicle to the building will be charged separately. Mechanical means of transport must be provided by the customer for transports beyond the 2nd floor. Stairs must be passable and protected against damage. If the execution of our work or that of the persons commissioned by us is impeded by circumstances for which the client is responsible, the corresponding costs (e.g. working hours and travel expenses) will be charged.
2.11 Down payment: If no individual payment plan has been agreed, we can request a down payment for partial services in the amount of the value of the services provided.
2.13 Waiting hours: In general, the assembly locations must be freely accessible for our fitters. Our assembly/maintenance or other services must not be impeded by other trades or the like. Unhindered access with a small truck/car/transporter or similar to the construction site or assembly site must be guaranteed. Parking facilities must be ensured by the client. If waiting hours occur due to the aforementioned obstacles or due to other circumstances or delays for which we are not responsible, these will be invoiced by us. In this case, billing is carried out per fitter and each quarter of an hour started at the current price of a fitter hour.as geschieht vor allem mit Cookies und mit sogenannten Analyseprogrammen. Die Analyse Ihres Surf-Verhaltens erfolgt in der Regel anonym; das Surf-Verhalten kann nicht zu Ihnen zurückverfolgt werden. Sie können dieser Analyse widersprechen oder sie durch die Nichtbenutzung bestimmter Tools verhindern. Details hierzu entnehmen Sie unserer Datenschutzerklärung unter der Überschrift “Drittmodule und Analysetools”. Über die Widerspruchsmöglichkeiten werden wir Sie in dieser Datenschutzerklärung informieren.
3. Formal Acceptance
If a formal acceptance is stipulated in the contract, the acceptance shall also take effect if the customer has been requested to carry out the acceptance in a reasonable manner and in vain. Acceptance takes effect twelve working days after receipt of the request.
Die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten, beispielsweise des Namens, der Anschrift, E-Mail-Adresse oder Telefonnummer einer betroffenen Person, erfolgt stets im Einklang mit der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung und in Übereinstimmung mit den für uns geltenden landesspezifischen Datenschutzbestimmungen. Mittels dieser Datenschutzerklärung möchten wir die Öffentlichkeit über Art, Umfang und Zweck der von uns erhobenen, genutzten und verarbeiteten personenbezogenen Daten informieren. Ferner werden betroffene Personen mittels dieser Datenschutzerklärung über die ihnen zustehenden Rechte aufgeklärt.
4.1 We emphasize that the data necessary for the transaction are processed and stored using a computer system. Personal data will be treated confidentially and will not be passed on.
If the customer terminates the contract for work, we are entitled to demand 10% of the total order value or 10% of the remuneration for the part of the service not yet performed as compensation. With corresponding proof, we can also claim a higher amount. The client expressly reserves the right to prove that the damage was less.
6.1 We would like to point out that maintenance work must be carried out to ensure permanent functionality, in particular:
modulor menuiserie + design
This work is not part of the scope of the order. Failure to carry out maintenance work can impair the service life and functionality of the components without this giving rise to claims for defects.
L-7526 Mersch
Offsetting against claims other than those that are undisputed or legally binding is excluded.+352 26 321 406
8.1 Delivered items remain our property until full payment has been made.
8.2 The client is obliged to notify us immediately in text form of seizures of the items subject to retention of title and to inform the pledgee of the retention of title. The client is not entitled to sell, give away, pledge or assign as security the items delivered to him under retention of title.
8.3 If the delivery is made for a business operation maintained by the client, the items may be resold within the framework of proper business management. In this case, the customer's claims against the customer from the sale are already assigned to us in the amount of the invoice value of the delivered item subject to retention of title. If the items are resold on credit, the customer must reserve title to his customer. The customer hereby assigns to us the rights and claims arising from this retention of title vis-à-vis his customer.
8.4 If objects subject to retention of title are built into the client's property as essential components, the client hereby assigns the claims arising from the sale of the property or property rights of the invoice value of the items subject to retention of title with all ancillary rights to us.
8.5 If the items subject to retention of title are installed by the customer or on behalf of the customer as essential components in the property of a third party, the customer shall already step in against the third party or who is concerned, any claims for remuneration that may arise in the amount of the invoice value of the items subject to retention of title with all ancillary rights to us. If the customer processes, connects or mixes the reserved items with other items, we are entitled to co-ownership of the new item in the ratio of the invoice value of the reserved items to the value of the other items.
3. Beschwerderecht bei der zuständigen Aufsichtsbehörde
We reserve our property rights and copyrights to cost estimates, drafts, drawings and calculations. They may not be used, duplicated or made accessible to third parties without our consent. If the order is not placed, they must be returned immediately.
4. Recht auf Daten-Übertragbarkeit
We are neither willing nor obliged to participate in dispute settlement procedures before a consumer arbitration board.
5. SSL- bzw. TLS-Verschlüsselung
If both contracting parties are merchants, the exclusive place of jurisdiction is the place of business of our company.
6. Auskunft, Sperrung, Löschung
Should one or more of these provisions be legally ineffective, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected. In this case, the contracting parties undertake to make a replacement arrangement that comes as close as possible to the intended purpose of the invalid provision.
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